Page 79 - April-May 2023
P. 79
Are there any surprises in store for guests in the coming the operations team, and ensures ease of communication
seasons? through apps for instant bookings. We also rely heavily on
We are very glad to see that demand is shooting up in the technology for our social media, which helps with our
city, and also across the country. The market looks very promotions and buzz-building.
buoyant as we move into the second quarter of 2023 and all The advent of technology has always been the backbone
of us should gain from this together. of any industry including the hospitality business, and we
At the same time, performances at Cultural Centre by Jio make it a true priority for our hotel, to ensure we remain on
will bring in talent from across the globe thereby fresh the cutting edge at all times.
business opportunities for all.
Why did you choose to become a hotelier?
Given that sustainability is becoming an important The decision was a very easy one actually; I have a close
factor for guests these days, what are some green family member who was also in the field of hospitality.
practices that are being adopted by the hotel? Witnessing her journey gave me first-hand experience in
We constantly ensure that sustainability is part of our understanding hospitality life and beyond. She guided me
brand ethos as much as technology is, which is another very and gave me a lot of great advice, and helped me nurture my
important element of the modern luxury hotel today. passion for hospitality which drives me even today.
At Sofitel Mumbai BKC we have eradicated single-use
plastic in our rooms and bathrooms, eliminating the use of How do you maintain a work-life balance?
plastic water bottles, straws and stirrer sticks across the It’s all about perspective. Initially, I wanted to be there at
hotel and dining outlets. We have also introduced a fleet of every meal period to interact with guests and meet and
EV cars for guest use and we also have EV charging stations greet them at every check-in and departure time. However,
that will encourage guests who own these cars to use them one realises that work-life balance is equally important. I
when they visit our hotel. make a conscious effort to switch off from work and spend
We take sustainability very seriously and are constantly quality time with my loved ones.
finding new ways in which to make our practices greener.
What do you do to unwind?
How are you incorporating new tech into the hotel? My unwinding comes in the form of spending time with my
We are big fans of technology as this makes us more wife, children and cat. It helps me to relax and rejuvenate,
flexible, helps visibility, ensures data protection, supports ready for the next big day at the hotel!
79 APRIL-MAY 2023 hospitality horizon