Page 89 - April-May 2023
P. 89
IIHM Global Campus at Salt Lake Kolkata.
Goals (SDGs). Can you tell us more about this initiative “PERHAPS OUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT
and why it’s important? HAS BEEN THE INTERNATIONAL YOUNG
Yes, we are very excited about our commitment to the
SDGs. As you know, the SDGs are a set of 17 goals that aim CHEF OLYMPIAD, WHICH HAS MANAGED
to eradicate poverty, protect the planet, and ensure TO BRING OVER 50 COUNTRIES FROM
prosperity for all. These goals are critical for creating a AROUND THE WORLD TOGETHER ON A
more sustainable and equitable future for all, and we
believe that the hospitality industry has a crucial role to COMMON PLATFORM.“
play in achieving them.
Sustainability is at the core of IIHM’s operations and at
the heart of IIHM’s educational curriculum. IIHM is committed to promoting sustainability in the hospitality
committed to all the UN SDGs, but there are four goals in industry and raising awareness about the SDGs among
particular we are very passionate about. These are hotel management students. We believe that by sensitising
followed, taught, implemented and executed by all the young minds to the importance of sustainability, we can
students and staff at IIHM. These are Goal 2 (Zero Hunger), create a more sustainable future for the hospitality
Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and industry and the world at large.
Communities) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).
As a leading hospitality education provider, it is our That’s a great initiative. How do you plan to involve the
responsibility to educate our students about the students and faculty in promoting sustainability in the
importance of sustainability and social responsibility in hospitality industry?
the industry. By committing to the SDGs and bringing At IIHM, we believe that education is key to driving
together 60 countries to join us in this effort, we hope to positive change in the industry. That’s why we have
raise awareness and inspire action among the next integrated sustainability and social responsibility into our
generation of hospitality professionals. curriculum across all our programmes. Our students learn
To this end, IIHM will be signing MOUs with educational about sustainable practices in areas such as food
institutes in 60 countries to pledge for the attainment of production, waste management, and energy conservation,
SDGs by 2030. Through these partnerships, we hope to and they also learn about the importance of supporting
create a global network of educational institutes that are local communities and preserving cultural heritage.
89 APRIL-MAY 2023 hospitality horizon