Page 91 - April-May 2023
P. 91
We also encourage our students and faculty to get “FOR DREAMERS LIKE ME, THE SKY IS
involved in sustainability initiatives through our various THE LIMIT. OUR VISION IS TO BECOME
partnerships and collaborations with industry
organisations and NGOs. For example, we have partnered THE BEST HOSPITALITY EDUCATION
with organisations such as the United Nations World INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD AND TO
Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the International EXPAND OUR FOOTPRINT TO OVER 50
Centre for Responsible Tourism (ICRT) to promote
sustainable tourism and responsible hospitality practices. COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD.“
IIHM has launched several initiatives in the
sustainability arena. These include the Food Soldier
activity by the students through which we feed thousands kind of scale. The 9th edition which concluded recently saw
of people all over the country on a daily basis. From participation from over 50 countries around the world.
cleaning the beach in Goa to cleaning localities in Kolkata This was the first physical version of the Olympiad since
and educating underprivileged kids, there’s a lot we do for the pandemic and it was heart-warming to see such a great
the communities around us. turnout. Next year is the 10th edition of YCO and we are
Each of our campuses has multiple sustainability really looking forward to it.
protocols. For example, we teach hydroponic farming in
Delhi. As I mentioned before, we are supporting Zero Why is it important for hotel management students to be
Hunger globally. Our Bengaluru campus took the aware of the SDGs, and how will this knowledge help them
Sustainability Tourism Pledge with the Ministry of in their careers?
Tourism, Government of Karnataka. We are creating Hotel management students are the future of the
ecobricks in Kolkata. Of course, all our campuses run hospitality industry, and it is essential that they are aware
regular cleanliness drives. of the SDGs and their importance. The hospitality industry
Last year we also took on the Park Street Metro Station to has a significant impact on the environment, and it is our
promote the message of sustainability. It has now been responsibility to ensure that our graduates are equipped
rebranded as IIHM Park Street Metro. Being an with the skills and knowledge to promote sustainability in
educational hub of Kolkata, a lot of students pass through the industry.
the Park Street Metro Station daily. By raising awareness about the SDGs, we can sensitise
We have plastered the entire metro station, from the our students to the importance of sustainability and
platform to the exteriors, with information on the SDGs encourage them to adopt sustainable practices in their
and knowledge about sustainability. We have turned the careers. This knowledge will not only help them in their
entire metro station into a huge educational platform for careers but will also enable them to make a positive impact
the SDGs. on the environment and society.
In fact, to raise awareness about the importance of
That sounds like a comprehensive approach. How do you sustainability in the hospitality industry, I have just
see the hospitality industry evolving in the next decade, finished writing a companion volume to my bestselling
and what role do you see IIHM playing in that evolution? book The Art of Hospitality. This one will be called The Art
The hospitality industry is constantly evolving, and we of Sustainable Hospitality and will be out soon.
expect to see some significant changes in the next decade.
One of the biggest trends we see is the growing focus on What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the
sustainability and responsible tourism. As more and more hospitality industry in achieving the SDGs?
consumers become conscious of their impact on the The hospitality industry faces several challenges in
environment and local communities, hotels and other achieving the SDGs, including the lack of awareness and
hospitality businesses will need to adapt their practices to understanding of sustainability issues, the high cost of
meet these expectations. implementing sustainable practices, and the lack of
At IIHM, we see ourselves playing a crucial role in regulatory support. Additionally, the hospitality industry is
shaping the future of the industry by educating and highly competitive, and there is a tendency to prioritise
training the next generation of hospitality professionals for short-term profitability over long-term sustainability.
a sustainable future.
What is your vision for IIHM’s future?
Your marquee annual event, the International Young Chef For dreamers like me, the sky is the limit. Our vision is to
Olympiad, has proved to be a game-changer, hasn’t it? become the best hospitality education institution in the
Indeed. When I conceptualised it 10 years ago in a pub in world and to expand our footprint to over 50 countries in
London, I could never have imagined it would take on this the world.
91 APRIL-MAY 2023 hospitality horizon