Page 15 - April-May 2023
P. 15
over 6,000 sq.ft with vehicular access for automobile areas where they can reduce waste, conserve energy, and
launches and special events gives it an added advantage. minimize their carbon footprint. The hotel has implemented
The Ritz-Carlton offers multiple indoor naturally day- several eco-friendly practices, such as using LED
lit meeting spaces with the latest audiovisual features lighting, reducing water consumption, and recycling waste.
including integrated sound systems, uninterrupted In addition, the hotel has its own bottling plant, which
high speed internet, customized and themed banquet reduces the amount of plastic waste generated from bottled
menus and an in-house pastry kitchen. In addition to water. The hotel also offers Impact Experiences, providing
its indoor event spaces, The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore, inspiring opportunities for guests to contribute to the local
offers a range of outdoor options for corporate events. community. Impact Experiences are compelling social and
Apart from convenient breakaway meeting rooms, environmental impact activities where there is one constant
the hotel’s outdoor alfresco and lawn provide the – each program makes a lasting and authentic difference.
perfect setting for networking and cocktail receptions. Events like partnering with the hotel culinary team
The hotel’s dedicated events team, conference concierge, to prepare ingredients for a regionally inspired dish for
and technology butler are committed to providing smooth donation to a local hunger relief organisation or assembling
planning and efficient execution of corporate events. The school supplies and art materials in backpacks for donation
Ritz-Carlton events team has a strong commitment to to students in Bengaluru whose academic success is
sustainability and implements a variety of initiatives to threatened by poverty. Additionally, signature Impact
reduce the environmental impact of corporate events. Experiences invite our meeting or event guests to take
When it comes to dining, The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore, part in an off-site volunteer activity, unique to Bengaluru.
has everything covered. The hotel’s custom banquet The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore is proud to participate in
menus cater to all dietary needs and preferences. The Marriott Bonvoy, the global travel programme from Marriott
hotel’s culinary team focuses on using locally sourced International which entitles guests a range of event benefits
ingredients to create dishes that reflect the region’s cuisine, ensuring that their events are successful and memorable.
providing a unique dining experience for attendees. The in- Corporate clients can earn points through the Marriott
house pastry kitchen provides delicious desserts, adding Bonvoy Events programme, which can be redeemed for a variety
a sweet touch to the end of a successful corporate event. of rewards, including free stays at Marriott hotels, elite status,
The hotel’s team works closely with clients to identify and experiences such as culinary classes or sporting events.