Page 14 - April-May 2023
P. 14


         Ideal oasis for events

         The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore, offers opulent meeting and event spaces, ensuring that
         corporates have access to nothing but the best facilities and services.

                 engaluru, the garden city of India, a mélange   effects, renders the hotel as the leading destination in the city.
                 of graceful heritage and airy contemporariness   At The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore, the pillar-less ballroom is
                 is also now one amongst Asia Pacific’s fastest   one of the most impressive event spaces in the city, its towering
         Bgrowing cities. The country’s first Ritz-Carlton      ceilings have been masterfully constructed to maximise the
          is aptly located on Residency Road in the heart of the   light height ratio, creating an ideal ambience for any event.
          central business district, offering legendary luxury service   Accommodating up to 1,000 guests with a large
          experiences provided by the ladies and gentlemen making   pre-function and outdoor al-fresco area that covers
          it an ideal oasis of refined elegance for corporate and social
          events ranging from conferences, product launches, team
          building activities to cocktail parties and award ceremonies.   “AT THE RITZ-CARLTON, BANGALORE, THE
            The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore, offers opulent meeting and   PILLAR-LESS BALLROOM IS ONE OF THE MOST
          event spaces, ensuring that corporates have access to   IMPRESSIVE EVENT SPACES IN THE CITY, ITS
          nothing but the best facilities and services for their events.   TOWERING CEILINGS HAVE BEEN MASTERFULLY
            The hotel’s modern and cosmopolitan approach to
          meetings and gatherings, being centrally located with    CONSTRUCTED TO MAXIMISE THE LIGHT
          over 21,000 sq.ft of state-of-the-art banqueting space,   HEIGHT RATIO, CREATING AN IDEAL AMBIENCE
          277 of the finest and stately rooms, 7 award-winning bars            FOR ANY EVENT.”
          and restaurants, a 17,000 sq.ft wellness floor boasting of a
          fully appointed Ritz-Carlton Spa and over 1,200 curated art   ~ George Benet Kuruvilla, GM, The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore
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