How will we emerge from Covid?
It’s my belief we will emerge stronger, more efficient and more driven than ever to make the industry as great as it can be.
Every time I have had a setback in business, I have responded by drawing everything down to ground level – by taking the time to re-examine everything in minute detail and to see where we can refine, adjust and make better. And I believe that’s going on in every industry across the board.
If you use that time well, then what you actually emerge with is a machine more polished and efficient than ever before. And when this madness ends and we all return to normal, the model you have for your business is sleek and impressive. So over time you are more knowledgeable, more savvy for the experience; and I think that’s the only way we can really look at the horror of what has happened and what continues to happen… with optimism.
And on a creative level there is clear thinking space…
Absolutely – and for many teams this will be the first time they have had this in a long time. It’s an opportunity to recharge the batteries, and then to think of new ideas for what it is we do. It’s a big reset.
Are you worried the ‘reset’ will drive away so many businesses?
Yes but this is natural selection and it always comes to the fore in times of crisis. I am afraid those below average won’t survive, and that will be the case in every industry – there are no two ways about that.